
Built after WWII as a settlement for steel mill workers, the town is in the region with one of the highest median ages in Europe. Due to shrinkage of the steel industry jobs and the shrinkage of the town’s population, one must revisit Eisenhüttenstadt urban structure. Aging population, among other aspects, is the challenge for deciding about which architecture and design should be preserved and for what purpose.

‘Charity Dinner’ in Eisenhüttenstadt

On October 27 the "Charity Dinner" scenario (developed in Visaginas) was tested with the collection of Eisenhüttenstadt Museum of Utopia and Daily Life and with the community formed around the Museum. Objects from the collection were used as topic starters and as lenses to discuss the upcoming Platz der Jugend reconstruction. Alex Urazov, collector from Visaginas, has joined the event on site to discuss further exchanges between two towns. This link to Visaginas has opened up discussion on possible linked or twinned development of monofunctional towns.